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Video: Compassion and Care in Leadership with Elif Köse
Anni is interviewed by Elif Köse for the Confidence Leads to Success event series. Join the discussion and discover how to create a culture of care, connection and collaboration.
Coaching Conversations Podcast with Carey and Julian: My Coaching Journey
Anni was delighted to be featured as a guest speaker on the Coaching Conversations Podcast with Carey and Julian. This established podcast series was created by Carey Davis-Munro and Julian Roberts to understand what drives people like her to become a leadership coach.
How my Relationship with my Mother Helped me Show up as a Leader with Hind Farag
Hind Farag, an Executive Coach and Strategy Consultant, talks to Anni about family trauma, the power of open communication, and how nurturing the special mother-daughter relationship later in life has enabled her to show up as a leader.
Video: Practising Kindness in Leadership
Discover how to practice a culture of kindness in this video discussion with Leadership Consultants Anni Townend, Natalie Shering and Lucy Kidd.
Video: How to lead effective team meetings online with John-Paul Flintoff
Executive Team Coach and experienced Facilitator Anni Townend talks to John-Paul Flintoff about how to lead and facilitate large team or group virtual meetings.
The Power of Relationship Building with Sophie Slade
Anni Townend is interviewed by Sophie Slade, Imago Workshop Presenter and Senior Clinical Instructor, about the importance of relationship building in successful leadership.
Video: Confidence and Resilience in Leadership
Anni Townend in video discussion with The Decorcafe Network - a collaborative community of creative home professionals - on the topics of confidence, connection and collaboration in leadership.
Keeping Pace: Online Meetings
In this post Anni Townend shares the 12 top tips learned about making virtual meetings more effective and collaborative, by creating a space in which people feel included, connected and able to have meaningful conversations.
Why the Walk and Talk helps create space to reach a ‘better normal’
Anni shares why side by side conversations create the space for reflecting and re-focusing in times of change