Dropping in on 'The Dripping Pan' the home of Lewes Football Club


“I am thrilled to share that I am proud owner of wholly community-owned @lewesfcmen” -view on Instagram. The club champions gender equality, equal pay, and so much more globally. Photograph here is Anni Townend, Karen Dobres, Bradley Pritchard on the field.


Dropping in on 'The Dripping Pan' the home of Lewes Football Club

I am a super proud owner of wholly community-owned Lewes Football Club. The club champions gender equality, equal pay, and so much more globally. You can hear Bradley Pritchard talking about why he decided to join Lewes Football Club in this podcast and set up the lovely Community Garden, Brad's Pit.

To hear more about the football club's commitment to changing the world and making it a better place for everyone, listen to Karen Dobres on why and how she (not originally a football fan) realised that football is a game changer globally and who, along with others at the Club, leads the way on campaigning for social change. 

The Club is constantly challenging itself, its players and its fans and owners to make a difference.

Most recently it launched the Rooker Prize inspired by the well known Booker Prize, this fantastic initiative promises to be a winner along with all that Lewes FC are doing to create value for its communities

And whilst talking of books, I can wholly recommend Gill Whitty-Collins book 'Why Men Win at Work' - do listen to her talking about why she is passionate about ending gender inequality.


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